
Introducing Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro
How to buy Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro
How to use Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro
Using the on-screen keyboard
Customizing the keyboard type
Editing shortcut icons
Appearance Theme
Keyboard Shortcuts
On-Screen Keyboard
Typing Aid
Floating Window
Text Suggestions
Language Bar
Shortcut Icons
How to show, close, fade, or move the on-screen keyboard
How to lock all settings
How to activate different keyboards
FAQ for developers
Command line parameters
Other issues
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
License Agreement

Typing Aid

Additional features for comfortable typing on the on-screen keyboard.

Double taping the space bar will insert a period followed by a space

You can insert a period followed by a space by pressing the space bar twice.

Capitalize the first letter of each sentence

If one of the specified characters is entered, the Shift key will be pressed automatically.

Delete a space before

If any of the characters on the list is entered and there are any spaces before that character, the spaces will be removed.

Add a space after

If any of the characters on the list is entered, a space will be added after that character.

Add a space before

If any of the characters on the list is entered and there is no space before that character, a space will be added before it.


Use all uppercase letters when I double-tap Shift

The keyboard holds the Shift key when you double-click the Shift key. It will stay down until pressed again.

Hold down Shift, Ctrl, Alt and Win key until pressed again

If a key is pressed for the first time, it will stay down until pressed again.


Enable AutoClick

If you hover the mouse over a key, it will be pressed automatically with the specified interval between key presses. This feature may be useful for persons with certain disabilities.

AutoClick delay (msec)

The time that passes before a mouse click is done at the mouse pointer’s current position.